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Downloading AerynOS

Downloading the ISO

  1. Visit the AerynOS download page.
  2. Look for the latest release available for download, the official ISO files are named aerynos-<version>.iso.
  1. Click on the download link to start downloading the ISO file and assiocated checksums donated by aerynos-<version>.iso.sha256.

Once the download is complete, you can proceed with creating a bootable USB drive or burning the ISO to a DVD to install AerynOS on your machine.

Verifying the Checksums

Before creating a bootable USB drive or burning the ISO to a DVD, it’s important to verify the checksums to ensure the integrity of the downloaded ISO file.


  1. Open a terminal window and navigate to the directory where the ISO file is located along with the checksums.
Terminal window
cd ~/Downloads
  1. Run the following command to verify the checksums:
Terminal window
sha256sum -c <checksum_file>

You should see a message indicating that the checksums match if the ISO file is valid.

Terminal window
aerynos.iso: OK

If the checksums do not match, download the ISO file again and repeat the verification process.


  1. Open a Command Prompt window and navigate to the directory where the ISO file is located along with the checksums.
Terminal window
cd C:\Users\<username>\Downloads
  1. Run the following command to verify the checksums:
Terminal window
certutil -hashfile aerynos-<version>.iso SHA256

This will give you the checksum of the file, compare this to the checksum found inside the checksum file.